Tuesday, 30 August 2016


Aug 28, 2016
Today we left Quebec City and travelled through Montreal which was kind of exciting except the traffic was worse than Toronto and it was SUNDAY.  Check our this picture
Well we got through that with no problems and headed in to Ontario  We were so glad to be back in Ontario until we were reminded of the Thunder and Lightnening storms we had when we were here the first time   We drove into Ottawa and boom.  A very large storm with lightening and  rain that was so heavy we had the wipers on full speed and still could not see a thing.  Cars in front of us put on 4 way flashers and so did we because that was all you could see through the rain it was so heavy  Traffic slowed to 50K to 60K in a 90K  because it was so bad.  Check out the pics below.  The first is the wipers clearing the windshield but look in the bottom of the windshield. That's what we could see for the most part.   Check out the second pic  can you read that sign.   Anyway we are now in Sault St Marie and will be going into Michigan on Thursday and who knows when we will return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Yikes. Looks like a fun drive. 😜 Montreal looks like it was cool. Ann
